All employees will be required to have multifactor authentication enabled for any Meadowbrook account that supports multifactor authentication by May 30, 2022. Below is a FAQ on the new policy:
What do I need to do?
By May 30, every employee must have multifactor authentication enabled on all Meadowbrook accounts. Most teaching faculty will meet this requirement by enabling multifactor on their Google account. Instructions on how to turn on multifactor can be found here.
Why do I need to do this?
Multi-factor is a powerful security measure that adds something you have (in the form of the multifactor device) to something you know (in the form of your password). We face increased cybersecurity threats, and multi-factor is a powerful part of our measures. The School’s cyber liability insurance is requiring all employees to have multifactor enabled as well.
What will happen if I don’t enable this in time?
Your Meadowbrook account will be suspended on June 1, and you will need to visit the help desk to have it re-enabled.
What other Meadowbrook accounts support multifactor?
Most accounts in use at Meadowbrook use Google for sign-in. Employees should sign in with Google to school accounts whenever the option is available. If you access a school account through a method other than Google, ensure Multi-Factor is enabled for that sign-in method, if available.
If you sign in to a school account without Google and are unsure if the account offers Multifactor Authentication, please contact the help desk (
Is there another option for multifactor besides my phone?
Please email if you’d like to explore other options for multifactor other than your phone.