For vinyl, create the size that you want your sticker to be. If it is meant for your laptop, think about the size of your case.
A good size for the laser cutter is 24" x 12" as that is the size of our small laser cutter.
If it is very large, zoom out (View -> Zoom Out or command-) to see the whole thing.
Hold down the shift key.
Drag the lower-right corner up and to the left to size it smaller and fit it on the page.
Window -> Image Trace
Image Trace Preset: Black and White Logo
(There are other options here that you can try if this one doesn't work well with your image.)
Illustrator will convert your image to Black and White.
If you don't like how it looks, try a different Preset, but make sure Mode is Black and White.
When you are happy with how it looks, turn off the check box next to Preview.
Click Trace
To finish the conversion, go to
Object -> Image Trace -> Expand
You should see a blue outline around your logo.
Go to Windows -> Layers and make sure there is a check.
Then switch to Layers and click on the > to the left of your first layer. In there should be a group with all of the lines that make up your image. Select them all.
While your whole logo is highlighted (outlined in blue), do the following:
- Click on Properties.
- Change Fill to be empty (red line through white box).
- Change Stroke to Black and
- Change Stroke to be .1pt
- Save it to Creative Cloud.
- Give it a "Good" name (one that describes what it is, has your name in it, and a version number.