Parents - Forgot Meadowbrook Password
If you have received a temporary password, do NOT use this article. Please go to the following article: Parents - Change Meadowbrook Password
- Go to
- Type your username (without at the end) into the "Username" field, then type the Captcha text in the "Type the Captcha" field. Then, click "Continue".
If you receive a message that says "Invalid User Name or You are required to enroll to use this service. Log in and enroll.", please email to receive a temporary password.
- Click the "Select Mobile No." dropdown and select your MFA mobile number. Then, type the captcha into the "Letters are not case-sensitive" field. Then, click "Continue".
- You will receive a text message with an eight digit numeric code. Type this into the first field on the page. Then, type the new captcha into the "Letters are not case-sensitive" field. Then, click "Continue".
- You will be prompted to create a new password. Enter your new password into the "New Password" and "Confirm New Password" fields. A list of requirements are located below the password entry fields. Once you have created a password that fulfills the requirements, type the new captcha into the "Letters are not case-sensitive", then click the "Change Password" button.
- Once you are successful, you will be shown the following page. Your password has been changed!