Poster Printing from Canva
If you have a PC, you must go to the eurekaLab to do these steps. Use the Apple computer next to the poster printer to download your Canva file.
If you have an Apple laptop, you may do these steps on your computer and then air drop the file to the computer in the eurekalab.
At this point you must take your laptop to the eurekalab as you will share your file via airdrop to the computer attached to the printer. If you are using the computer attached to the printer in the eurekaLab to save your file, you may skip the next section.
When in the eurekalab, on your laptop, go to the Finder:
Go to Downloads, select your most recent downloaded file, click the up arrow to share it via airdrop:
Select AirDrop for Sharing.
The computer next to the printer must be turned on in order to see it. The name is CO7DD1U9PJJ9:
After you select it, it will say waiting....
At this point you must go to the desktop computer and accept the airdrop. (Login and password information is on the top of the monitor.)
On the desktop computer open the downloads folder and find your file at the top (most recent).
Open it in the Preview App. by double clicking it.
File -> Print
Change paper size to Poster, and if necessary change Portrait to Landscape.
Check the preview on the left side to make sure it has the right orientation for your poster.
Click Print.
The pages should print automatically. If there is any problem with printing, the errors (ie out of ink or paper) will appear on the printer screen.