How to Install Bambu Studio for 3D Printing in the EurekaLab
(Note: If you are in Grades 3-5 and have a school owned laptop, you should NOT follow these Instructions. Instead, install this software using Mosyle Manager. Ask a teacher for help or go to the help desk.)
1. Download Bambu Studio Software for your computer.
NOTE: We are installing version 01.08.04 even though it is out of date because it works with our network. Newer versions can't be installed at school.
2. After it downloads, open the file by clicking on the downloads folder.
Click on the downloaded file to open it and install the software:
Drag the BambuStudio Icon into your Applications Folder (You will need Administrator Privileges to do this.)
Find and Open the BambuStudio Application
Use Command + SpaceBar to quickly get to the Spotlight Search and type in Bambu.
Click on BambuStudio to Open the App:
Click on Login/Register and select Google:
Chrome will open a login window. Select "Use another account":
Use the school account for 3D printing, and click next:
1. Ask a teacher or go to the help desk for the password.
2. Click Next
Click OK. A new window will open.
You can now switch back to Bambu Studio
Click Yes.
Click Agree:
Installation is Complete! Now you can start to use Bambu Studio to send 3D prints. Instructions for that process are here.